Este musgo esta encima de un ladrillo, que está dentro de un contenedor de plastico que encontramos tirado en Yoyogi. Al entrar en contacto con el agua, el ladrillo se humedece y mantiene mojado el musgo. Tuvimos que poner un culo de botella encima porque el aire acondicionado seca mucho el ambiente. Según leímos, es ideal para germinar semillas porque las mantiene húmedas y aireadas a la vez.
This moss is on top of a brick which has been placed inside a plastic container we found walking around Yoyogi. By being immersed in water, the brick gets wet and keeps the moss moist. We had to cover it with a plastic bottle because the AC in here is really high and dries everything. We've read that this setup is ideal for germination, as it keeps the seeds moist but with good air flow.
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